We Are Danone


At Danone, our employees help co-build our strategy. Through the “Danone People Survey” and Pulse programs started more than two decades ago, all Danone employees worldwide – regardless of seniority, position, or location – have the opportunity to express themselves, share their convictions, and put their opinions into action to build the Danone of tomorrow.

Our four core ‘HOPE’ Values: HUMANISM, OPENNESS, PROXIMITY and ENTHUSIASM are our “moral compass”.


At Danone, health is at the heart of our mission, and we are convinced that our mission starts with our people and workplaces. To further support Danoners to be at their healthiest, in 2023 Dan'Cares expanded with a 4th pillar: Be Well by Dan'Cares.

Be Well is a global well-being and benefits program that aims to support behavioral change through the implementation of targeted actions, to positively impact the health of Danone's employees.

We aim at fostering a positive environment in our workplaces, underpinned by a strong culture, that supports and nurtures Danoners' well-being in a holistic way. Thus, the program regroups and builds on existing local and global well-being initiatives in 3 focus areas: Nutrition, Mental and Physical well-being.

  • Nutrition: Facilitating the access to nutritional knowledge and healthy food at work, enabling employees to benefit from Danone's expertise to make healthy and sustainable food choices, aligned with their local nutritional needs, food culture and habits.
  • Mental Wellness: Prioritizing emotional balance resiliency, promoting initiatives that have a positive effect on work-life balance and increasing awareness on the importance of mental health and equipping team leaders.
  • Physical Well-Being: Enabling Danoners to take care of their health in a proactive manner and encouraging them to engage in physical activity.