Danone Impact Journey

As part of Danone Renew strategy, the company reframed its sustainability journey, articulated around 3 pillars: 


For each pillar, Danone defines a new set of priorities which are translated into mid to long-term objectives, focusing on where the company can deliver the most impact and value.


Danone Impact Journey - YouTube

In 2010, Danone Egypt in partnership with Danone Ecosystem Fund and Ashoka Arab World launched its ‘OMDA’ program which aims to improve the quality of life not only in Egyptian urban areas but also in rural communities by providing access to Danone’s health-focused products while simultaneously creating jobs for micro-distributors and enhancing the income of small retailers.


In 2018, Danone Egypt and the National Bank of Egypt signed a Protocol of Cooperation to support small and medium enterprises by financing the OMDA project and providing young entrepreneurs with financial support to purchase equipped refrigerated trucks to distribute Danone products. There are currently 380 distributors in the OMDA project, distributing Danone products to around 50,000 retailers and serving more than 9 million consumers in Rural Egypt.


In contributing to improving nutrition and employment in rural Egyptian areas, Danone Egypt is establishing new local distribution channels through entrepreneurs’ networks in rural areas and raising awareness on balanced nutrition.

In 2010 Danone Egypt, through the Danone Ecosystem Fund and in cooperation with Care International organization, established milk collection centers (MCCs) with the aim of empowering smallholder dairy farmers with the necessary tools and skills in order to provide high-quality milk to Danone Egypt.


The Alban Baladna project helps smallholder dairy farmers in Egypt develop their businesses by offering a various number of services to farmers: from logistical support and agricultural services to trainings in order to develop the technical know-how crucial to earning a sustainable income.


Additionally, the project enabled more than 8,000 small farmers, 90% of them being women, in the work of collecting milk from 23 milk collection points across several governorates of the Republic. Lastly, the project increased smallholder dairy farmers’ profitability up to 50%!

In 2022, Alban Baladna project has won the renowned (GEEIS-SDG )Gender Equality Diversity and Internal Standard - Sustainable Development Goal Award (GEEIS-SDG) for its solutions addressing social, environmental and economic challenges in Egypt.


This international award organized by the Arborus Fund positions gender equality as the driving force behind the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.


The project recruits and trains women as community leaders to secure access to education and services. Community leaders are key in this project as they share knowledge with local communities and recruit new farmers to benefit from the project – and since the launch of the project 24 women became community leaders.


Inspired by Egypt’s commitment towards its transformational Sustainable Development Goals journey, as well as contributing to Danone’s Global goal to reducing 50% of food waste by 2030; Danone Egypt launched its “Zero Food Waste” initiative in partnership with The Egyptian Food Bank (EFB). The partnership is built upon finding sustainable ways to reduce food waste and eradicate hunger across Egypt.


Food waste is one of Danone’s global key focus areas. Today Danone Egypt donates on a weekly basis its surplus of products to the Egyptian Food Bank’s beneficiaries across all governorates, utilizing their solid and robust database, to benefit almost 35,000 students weekly as well as other eligible recipients. Together, we nourish a healthier, happier Egypt!

In 2022, Danone Egypt launched "Kheir Ardena" (Local Soya project), with Danone Ecosystem, and Solidaridad, to localize and boost soybean production, a strategic crop in Egypt, crucial to achieve local self-sufficiency, reduce import bills, while preserving the environment by sourcing deforestation-free soya and minimizing carbon emissions through a combination of targeted trainings.


Kheir Ardena tackles the feed upstream topic to support Egyptian farmers to plant soybean for animal feed for their own livestock and for Danone Egypt Farm’s aim to achieve 100% of local traceable feed.


We were able to convert 70% of farmers’ lands to regenerative agriculture and enable 30% water optimization, while increasing 1800+ farmers’ profitability on average to 80%!


Danone Egypt has revolutionized cold chain distribution in the dairy industry in Egypt, by converting 50% of its distribution fleet to electro-fitted refrigerated technology, in partnership with Shift EV, an electric mobility startup. This initiative will reduce carbon emissions by over 6,000 metric tons, equivalent to planting 240,000 trees by 2030, while achieving a remarkable 70% reduction in operating costs, demonstrating Danone Egypt’s commitment towards environmental stewardship. 


On this occasion, Danone Egypt held a signing ceremony at its Obour Plant attended by Mr. Ambassador Eric Chevallier, Ambassador of France in Egypt, VIP guests and esteemed journalists.


On World Environment Day Danone Egypt joined forces with Shagarha organization to plant 27,000  fruit trees in public areas and roadsides where coverage is inadequate. Through this initiative we will offset 1500 kg of carbon emissions per year, making a significant stride towards our plan for a zero carbon, sustainable future and greener world for generations to come.


This aligns with Danone Egypt's commitment to positively serve the community across various aspects, including the environmental, economic, urban, health, social, cultural, and recreational domains.


At Danone Egypt, our priority is to live our mission by providing health through food to as many people as possible. We are proud to join forces with “We Care” at the inauguration of their new facility by providing a dairy lab for hands-on yogurt creation; empowering children with special needs to take charge of their nutrition by making their own yogurt.